On Tue, 15 Oct 2024, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
> On 15/10/2024 09:19, D wrote:
>> On Tue, 15 Oct 2024, The Natural Philosopher wrote:
>>>>>> with far less money, and way more effectively.
>>>>> He almost caused Ukraine to lose by holding up the budget.
>>>> Incorrect. They are still doing well, and it US would have backed down,
>>>> the EU would have ramped up.
>>> What with? It has no exonomy?
>>> Its just a parasitic bureaucracy.
>>> It does notr set Eripean natins foreign policy. It juts pretends thaqt it
>>> does.
>> The european economy is $26.64 trillion (PPP). This is proven.
> No, that is the sum of the econimies of thge natuions tha inhabit o the
> continent of Europe. One of which is Russsia
> It us not e economy of the EU.
Read _carefully_, for your benefit I said _european_ not the EU. So your
argument is irrelevant.
>> Exactly. The democrats are the true evil.
> No. The true evil is greed, lust for power and fear of loss of privilege.
> If you think Liberal versus Republican is evil versus good, you are already a
> controlled useful idiot
> All your politicians are belong to us.
Incorrect. In the US, in this election, democrat = bad, republican = good.
This is scientifically proven.
>>> Wake up! ALL of your politicians are working for someone. That's how they
>>> got there.
>> Irrelevant. We look at actions.
> No, it is clear you do not. Even if you think you do. Mike Johnson
> absolutely vilolated every norm of honorable and decent behaviors and cost
> thousands of lives by the disgraceful actions he took, that Trump supported.
I'm talking about Trump, not Mike Johnson, irrelevant.
>>> Dont be silly. No European nation wants to put its military under EU
>>> control.
>>> That's why they are in NATO.
>> Europes countries can coordinate without the central EU, proven by joint
>> Nato
>> military exercises, and joint exercises done outside of Nato, like
>> between sweden and finland.
> Exactly my point. EU doesnt have a military, and its members don't want it
> to.
> EU is compulsory, NATO is voluntary.
Europes countries can coordinate without the central EU, proven by
joint Nato
military exercises, and joint exercises done outside of Nato, like
between sweden and finland.
>> You seem to know very little of europe and how europe works. Are you
>> based in the US?
> That was my question to you.
>>>> The EU economy is also about 15x larger than russias, and the population
>>>> is about 3x. If there's a full war, Russia will lose to badly, it will
>>>> embarass them for generations to come.
>>> The EU HAS NO ECONOMY. It is not the United states of Europe. It is nearer
>>> the United socialist Soviet republic of Europe. A remote entity trying to
>>> recreate the USSR by having a series of puppet states.
>> $26.64 trillion (PPP)
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_the_European_Union .
>> Proven.
> From that refeernce The 'economy of the European Union' is the joint economy
> of the member states of the European Unionš
> I.e. it doesnt belong to the Union. And the Union has little effect on how
> it is generated.
> Youu seem to have no understanbding of European politics
European, read above. Point proven and won.
>>>> Putin knows that. That is why he is yelling and screaming, and doing the
>>>> minimum maximum he can out of fear of provoking europe to take action
>>>> against him.
>>> Europe is a continent. It can't take action.
>>> The EU is a bureaucracy it has nothing to take action with
>> Europe has countries which can take action. I will not write every
>> single individual country in every single post due to your uncharitable
>> nit picking.
> But it makes a huge difference. Fir example Hungary. Slovenia and almost
> Germany have decided to limit Ukrainian support. Other counytries who know
> Vlad, like Poland and Estonia, have thrown huge resources into the pot.
My point still stands. You're refuted.
> The EU itself has done the square root of fuck all. A bit of humanitarian
> aid.
We moved on. Leave it.
> What the EU did manage to do was co-ordinate and prepare a set of sanctions
> that are slow but effective.
One step, and also, they are slow due to the US. If US stops, EU ramps up.
>> I do not think you are so stupid as to not be able to understand my
>> point with me having to write each country individually?
> Because there *is* no point without mentioning each country individually.
Of course there is. Learn reading, then we discuss.
> The Czechs organised world wide black/grey market purchase of artillery
> shells from unnamed sources using money donated by various other countries,
> to save the day when Mike Johnson fucked Ukraine at Russias behest by
> blocking the support of the whole of the USA.
Irrelevant to discussion.
> Viktor Orban in Hungary has tried the same, but the EU is not the USA
> (although it would love to be) it doesn't represent the people of Europe,
> They have national governments. It doesn't control the defence of Europe,
> Individual nations in, or out of NATO or the EU, do that themselves . It
> doesn't even control the economies of Europe, although it tries to.
> It doesn't even have a single currency, though it wants to.
See original point. Europe is already cooperating and coordinating
militaryly. Within and outside Nato.
>>> Only the sovereign nations of Europe can take action, and they are. FAR
>>> more than the USA
>> Thank you. Proven.
>>> Denmark and Estonia have contributed the most. Per capita. But they are
>>> small countries.
>> See above. Europe has a common market.
>>> The USA ranks 17th in net contributions per citizen. A miserly
>>> contribution.
>>> Even Belgium has done better,
>>> https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/
>> Irrelevant.
> Nto in te slightest.
> Europe is contributing far far more per person to this war than the miserly
> USA is.
Irrelevant. It's europes problem, not USA.
>>> Donald is not some superman. He is just another egotistical little shit
>>> with his eye on the main chance. In the end no better than Obama.
>> Do you have Trump Derangement Syndrome? I think it is stopping you from
>> perceiving the world correctly.
> Better put yiur shades on an not stand behind him when he driops his pants
>> It is. See above. Read carefully and repent.
> All your examples show exactlyt why the EU is not a nation or a miultray
> power as you seem to think it is.
Read above. Learn to read.
>>> "The European army or EU army are terms for a hypothetical army of the
>>> European Union which would supersede the Common Security and Defence
>>> Policy and would go beyond the proposed European Defence Union. Currently,
>>> there is no such army, and defence is a matter for the member states. "
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_army
>> Irrelevant.
> Totally relevant
>>> Europe dioesnt exist as a country. They are already pulling way above
>>> their weight.
>> Irrelevant see above.
> Realebant
>>> Leaving Ukraine in the shit.
>> No, he is training europe to grow up and take responsibility. That is
>> actually brilliant.
> It us Europe who is taking responsibility and the Donald who is deliberately
> absolving himself of it preferring to simply parraot Russian propagandas (as
> you are)
Nope, US has no obligation, so no absolving necessary. Your logic is
>>> You are woefully ill informed.
>> You are ill informed and it has been proven.
> Nope, It is clear you are either trolling, a trump supporter who has replaced
> reason with religious faith, or in Putins pocket
Nope. Likewise.
> You don't understand the politics of Russia, or of Ukraine, or of Europe or
> of the EU, how any of their economies are run, how their military are
> organised or who ultimately controls it.
I understand it better than you. You seem to be coming from the socialist
left, which would actually explain your lack of thinking and reading
> In fact you don't even seem to understand the politics of the USA. Except in
> a very childlike and unsophisticated way.
Incorrect. You seem to understand it in a socialist way.
> Hint. The guys in the white hats are the baddies too, sometimes.